Bus Rose Hill (Place Cardinal Margeot) – Vacoas (NTC Remy Ollier Depot)

Mauritius bus schedule – Rose Hill (Place Cardinal Margeot) – Vacoas (NTC Remy Ollier Depot)

Rose Hill (Place Cardinal Margeot)- Phoenix (Commercial Centre) – Vacoas (Bus Station) – La Caverne -Vacoas (NTC Remy Ollier Depot)

Operator: National Transport Corporation

Departures from Rose Hill (Place Cardinal Margeot)

Day First bus Last bus

Monday to Friday

06h30 18h30
Saturday 06h30 18h30
Sunday and Public Holiday 06h30 18h30

Time of departure
Every 30 minutes

When and how to get back check here: Route 241 Bus Vacoas (NTC Remy Ollier Depot) – Rose Hill (Place Cardinal Margeot)

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Stations, fare (price) stages and average journey time in minutes

Fare stage Locality (station) Average journey time (minutes)


Rose Hill (Place Cardinal Margeot) 0
1 Belle Rose (Pepsi Cola) 0
2 Pellegrin (Trianon Shopping Park) 15
3 Phoenix (I.V.T.B) 0
4 Phoenix (Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre) 0
5 Vacoas (Bus Station) 0
6 La Caverne (Modern Complex) 38
7 Vacoas (NTC Remy Ollier Depot) 0

How to convert fare stages to actual money fares (prices) Mauritius bus fares (prices)