Bus Bel Air – Port Louis (Victoria Square)

Mauritius bus schedule – Bel Air – Port Louis (Victoria Square)

Operator: National Transport Corporation

Departures from Bel Air

Day First bus Last bus

Monday to Friday

06h15 17h00
Saturday 06h15 17h00
Sunday and Public Holiday 06h15 17h00

Time of departure

Time of departure Frequency

When and how to get back check here: Bus Port Louis (Victoria Square) – Bel Air

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Stations, fare (price) stages and average journey time in minutes

Fare stage Locality (station) Average journey time (minutes)


Bel Air
1 Cite La Lucie 5
2 Belle Rose 9
3 Clemencia (Co-operative Store) 11
4 Clemencia (Beginning of Village) 13
5 Petite Cabane /Camp de Masque Pave (End of Village) 15
6 Camp de Masque Pave (Government School) 18
7 Balance John 22
8 Camp de Masque (Village Hall) 25
9 Bel Etang 30
10 Medine 35
11 Mont Ida (Government School) 38
12 Providence (End of Village) 43
13 Providence (Beginning of Village) 53
14 Quartier Militaire (Ex-Railway Station) 60
15 Alma (Cemetery) 62
16 Alma (Beginning of Village) 63
17 Verdun (Bar Le Duc Bridge) 65
18 Verdun (Beginning of Village) 67
19 Saint Pierre (Traffic Centre) 70
20 Gentilly 75
21 Moka (Mahatma Gandhi Institute) 77
22 Reduit (University of Mauritius) 80
23 Martindale 82
24 Colville Deverell Bridge 84
25 Soreze 85
26 Pailles (Grewals) 93
27 Camp Chapelon 98
28 Brabant (SPAR) 108
29 Port Louis (Victoria Square) 115

How to convert fare stages to actual money fares (prices) Mauritius bus fares (prices)